A Rough Itinerary, Part One

With only one week to go until we pick up the van and three weeks until we set off on our road trip adventure, we’ve been putting together an itinerary for the first part of our trip. We’ll be home for two weeks in the middle of July for a few weddings, so currently we’ve planned our journey up until that point. Nothing is really set in stone, apart from our booked campsites / ferries / flights, but we want to give our friends and family an idea of when we’ll be popping by to visit them, and to make sure we have enough time for our “must-do’s”.

From May 20 until early June we plan to be in the UK, spending some time in the Highlands, Wales, and the south coast before making our way to the continent. We have booked the ferry from Dover to Calais on June 11, and will drive northwards through Utrecht, Hamburg and Copenhagen before reaching Norway. We’d like to spend some time exploring the backcountry there and get some backpacking in. From there, we will hit up Berlin (possibly through Sweden) on our way to the Netherlands, where much of my extended family lives. I’m really looking forward to seeing aunts, uncles and cousins that I haven’t seen in many years!

Our flight home is on July 6 from Heathrow, so we’ll spend a few days in London prior. Stay tuned for where we plan to be from July 18 onward! Our rough idea so far features Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, France and Spain as we make our way back to the UK towards late September / early October. Can’t wait to get started!

The maps below give you a rough idea of where we plan to drive.

UK map A rough map of our route through the UK

Continent map A very rough map of our route through the continent until mid-July