The Plan

Our adventure consists of a three-phase travel plan (because just moving somewhere would be too simple!). Here is a handy reference to the phases and their approximate timeframes:

Phase One - UK

Late March - late May

We will spend time in the UK visiting Jacob’s friends and family, seeing some sights, and exploring the British countryside (wellies mandatory!). Throughout April and May we will be based in Edinburgh, and during this time we will shop for a suitable camper van for Phase Two.

Phase Two - The Van

June - September

The most adventurous phase of our trip! We will be living in a camper van and roaming around Europe. We’d like to start in Spain, then drive through the south of France and into Italy. Ideally we’ll go as far east as Istanbul and as far north as Oslo, but we really don’t have much of an itinerary (this is a growth opportunity for me…) and we’ll have to see where the road takes us. I’m looking forward to visiting my family in the Netherlands, and scoping out potential locations for Phase Three in Germany and Switzerland.

Phase Three - Relocation

October onwards…

This is the phase where we settle down, find some work and resume (fairly) normal lives. After years of living in the downtown core, we’re hoping to try a less urban lifestyle and are looking for easy access to mountains and trails.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash